alles ist mega und vor allem du selbst
Compost & Cosmos — Summer 2023

Drawing Borders
Island of things — Summer 2021

first touch
Re-state, re-stage, re-enact (Short-term Project) — Winter 2021

fish in archive
Time Apparatus (Course) — Winter 2021

garbage disposal
Input, Output, Community (Short-term Project) — Summer 2021

I want our spaces to overlap (so fucking hard)
Genius Loci — Winter 2022

Lets get crabby!
Legacy — Winter 2021

NW-Dent-AQ prototype series
New Wilderness (Course) — Summer 2021

sound space
Designed Uncertainty (Course) — Winter 2020

time flies
Convergence — Winter 2020

Concretely Unimaginable — Winter 2020
Zoe Spehr — Drawing Borders
Island of things — Summer 2021
In collaboration with Jung Hsu.
Taking the shore of an island as a boundary, it represents a conflict zone, an uncertain boundary, both geographically and psychologically.
Being separated by the water shapes a limit and a definition. However, the space can be utilized and function as an active and connecting space.
Two border-drawing-robot arms are placed on two different islands: Valentinswerder and Taiwan.
The drawn line gets washed away by the water in a never-ending play.
Both portray an individual story of the island and its connection to the mainland.
Valentinswerder is a remote island that has a strong connection to Berlin due to its size and distance. Using the space as a connecting element. Despite forming an own system and home to the islanders the connection with the mainland is indispensable.
Taiwan is separated from the mainland of China by the Taiwan strait, the shortest distance is only about 130 kilometers. For some people, the strait is a natural barrier that protects their independence. For others, it is just a gap, which cuts them off from the past. The relationship between Taiwan and China is still changing. As islanders, we can only constantly redefine our identity in the floating spectrum, like drawing lines in front of where we stand.
To draw lines on the ground is a strong statement, sometimes it even looks like a rejection. The lines are our boundary, our defense, and our definition. In the intertidal zone, lines are wiped away by waves. Even though we all know this will happen, we still keep drawing.