Mirror: Material, Metaphor, Medium
Summer 2018

Alix Stria

Christopher Hoehn
A.I. Buddha

Christopher Hoehn
bent stainless steel

Alix Stria
Ceci n’est pas un miroir.

Julius Winckler
Chaotische Symphonie

Astrid Kraniger
Citizen Mirror

Julian Netzer
Diegetic Mirror

Sebastian Wolf

Astrid Kraniger
Eikasía / Is This Real?

Piet Schmidt

Julian Netzer
je, moi et nous

Marcel Haupt
Le Je N’est Pas Le Moi

Piet Schmidt
Mirrored Reality

Julius Fuehrer
self-reflective mirror

Christopher Hoehn
The Fifth Wall

Andy King
There Are No Girls On The Internet
Marcel Haupt — Le Je N’est Pas Le Moi
Mirror: Material, Metaphor, Medium — Summer 2018
The installation explores Jacques Lacan's psychoanalytic theory of the mirror stage. According to his theory, an infant develops a sense of identity upon seeing itself in a mirror for the first time, and with it, its first identity conflict. The new found identity and the old self separate in two states of "I": the Je and the Moi. It’s Lacans belief that the object of psychoanalysis is to decrease the difference between the two states with a dialogue between the Je and the Moi.
By placing a screen above water and feeding the resulting reflection back to the system, the machine creates a constant dialogue between the image on screen and the reflection in the water. The machine continuously adjusts itself to what it sees in its reflection, trying to constantly decrease the difference between the two states. Therefore, between the Je and the Moi.