Mirror: Material, Metaphor, Medium
Summer 2018
Alix Stria
Christopher Hoehn
A.I. Buddha
Christopher Hoehn
bent stainless steel
Alix Stria
Ceci n’est pas un miroir.
Julius Winckler
Chaotische Symphonie
Astrid Kraniger
Citizen Mirror
Julian Netzer
Diegetic Mirror
Sebastian Wolf
Astrid Kraniger
Eikasía / Is This Real?
Piet Schmidt
Julian Netzer
je, moi et nous
Marcel Haupt
Le Je N’est Pas Le Moi
Piet Schmidt
Mirrored Reality
Julius Fuehrer
self-reflective mirror
Christopher Hoehn
The Fifth Wall
Andy King
There Are No Girls On The Internet
Alix Stria — Ceci n’est pas un miroir.
Mirror: Material, Metaphor, Medium — Summer 2018
Ceci n’est pas un miroir. („This is not a mirror.“) questions the relationship between being and doing, in view of the fact that not everything that mirrors is perceivedas a mirror.
The acrylic cubes on display only reflect the sides turned away from the observer. Thus the primary task of a mirror — namely to mirror the viewer — is not fulfilled. Vibration sets the cubes in motion and the sides that have just been reflective are transparent again. Therefor the phenomenon of mirroring is transient and non-reproducible, and dependent on the perspective of the observer and the position of the cubes. If the viewer moves, the perception of the reflection changes as well.