Mirror: Material, Metaphor, Medium
Summer 2018
Alix Stria
Christopher Hoehn
A.I. Buddha
Christopher Hoehn
bent stainless steel
Alix Stria
Ceci n’est pas un miroir.
Julius Winckler
Chaotische Symphonie
Astrid Kraniger
Citizen Mirror
Julian Netzer
Diegetic Mirror
Sebastian Wolf
Astrid Kraniger
Eikasía / Is This Real?
Piet Schmidt
Julian Netzer
je, moi et nous
Marcel Haupt
Le Je N’est Pas Le Moi
Piet Schmidt
Mirrored Reality
Julius Fuehrer
self-reflective mirror
Christopher Hoehn
The Fifth Wall
Andy King
There Are No Girls On The Internet
Astrid Kraniger — Citizen Mirror
Mirror: Material, Metaphor, Medium — Summer 2018
Citizen Mirror reflects the image of the viewer as data.
Trying to read personal data out of the human appearance (age, gender, mood,...), this mirror reduces the person to naked information.
Machine Learning algorithms are currently already used to monitor and control people.
We look in a mirror having in mind, that this is how other people perceive us.
The project aims to raise awareness that one's own face is not only exposed to other individuals, but also ubiquitously to machines to categorise the masses.
The data mirror image that this machine outputs has few to do with the mirror image we have from ourselves as individuals and is barely representing reality.