Artificial Intelligence in Art and Design
Winter 2017

Chen Hsiang Fu
AI Amulet

Astrid Kraniger

Christopher Hoehn
Das Kunstwerk im Zeitalter seiner technischen Autonomie

Chen Hsiang Fu
Gentrified Pixel

Marcel Haupt
Life, thereafter — The Physical Impossibility Of Death.

Christopher Hoehn
Monument A.I.

Hsiao Li-Chi
My Tiny News

Astrid Kraniger

Elias Asisi
Astrid Kraniger — Calma
Artificial Intelligence in Art and Design — Winter 2017
We use Artificial Intelligence as tool. Machines and tools are designed to make their use as enjoyable as possible. We fill machines with our emotional associations.
The field of AI is flooded with anthropomorphic concepts for machine learning products. Instinctively we inject them a consciousness.
Calma is a garden tool, that speaks to you and has the social function to release stress. Her relaxing voice guides you to engage with nature and reacts to your movement.
Having a garden tool as therapist, carries the absurdity of the emotional connotation we give to AI machines to extremes.