In Situ – Ad Hoc
Summer 2010
Johanna Schmeer — The consequence estimator
In Situ – Ad Hoc — Summer 2010
We take many different actions every day, most of the time without thinking about possible consequences. Often we only realise the effects of our actions when they are already there. Every day, millions of users log onto the Internet to share information. The Consequence Estimator takes use of this data and takes it out of the virtual and into the physical world. It narrows down the mass of information to answer only one question, namely the possible consequences of one specific action - shown on a little device positioned at the relevant location. It searches the Internet for certain phrases such as „when I press the light switch“. Experiences of other people published on the web are found. These are then sorted and displayed by their frequency of occurrence, which is related to their probability, thus allowing for a prognosis of the future.