hayate kobayashi
he / him
apparatus and its moving images

134万人の口へ / To all the 1,344,900 mouth,
Legacy — Winter 2021

Condensed Coffee
Designed Uncertainty (Course) — Winter 2020

dist(me, you)
Re-state, re-stage, re-enact (Short-term Project) — Winter 2021

Convergence — Winter 2020

I miss you
Concretely Unimaginable — Winter 2020

road as a timeline
New Wilderness (Course) — Summer 2021

Time as a long bread
Time Apparatus (Course) — Winter 2021

つぎはぎの言語 / 拼凑语言 / Space-in-translation
Matters of thinking (Course) — Summer 2022
hayate kobayashi — road as a timeline
New Wilderness (Course) — Summer 2021
2021, video, 2’23”
The longer the road is, the more the duration changes. Say, when a robot goes 1m in 10 seconds, the 10m road will be converted as 100 seconds. Turn on the robot and let the moment happens. With a robot car that avoids obstacles, I put a camera on it. The robot car records and moves left and right, as if the robot were the self trying to get accustomed to.