hayate kobayashi
he / him
apparatus and its moving images

134万人の口へ / To all the 1,344,900 mouth,
Legacy — Winter 2021

Condensed Coffee
Designed Uncertainty (Course) — Winter 2020

dist(me, you)
Re-state, re-stage, re-enact (Short-term Project) — Winter 2021

Convergence — Winter 2020

I miss you
Concretely Unimaginable — Winter 2020

road as a timeline
New Wilderness (Course) — Summer 2021

Time as a long bread
Time Apparatus (Course) — Winter 2021

つぎはぎの言語 / 拼凑语言 / Space-in-translation
Matters of thinking (Course) — Summer 2022
hayate kobayashi — 134万人の口へ / To all the 1,344,900 mouth,
Legacy — Winter 2021
2022- | ongoing
mask, poetry, video
Special thanks: Liao Yiwu, Tsingyun Zhang, UdK Berlin
This mask is my personal pray for this current miasma, dedicated to all the 1,344,900 mouth who lives outside of Japan.
On the December 1st, 2021, the Japanese government declared the suspension of flight to overseas nationalities (在外邦人) for 2 days. Thus I couldn't go back to my home country, Japan for the short period. At that time, I was realized myself being categorized as 在外邦人. To pray, I've been making poetry and masks for them in here, Berlin, Germany.
134万人の口へ / To all the 1,344,900 mouth,
Just like a nightmare,
私 ひどく傷ついていたのよ
I was feeling quite crushed.
私たち ここで頑張って息してるのに
We are breathing though in here quite hard.
Do not let it forget.
We eat something, like a Chinakohl.
We speak something, like a Deutsch.
We can’t obtain an origin,
私たちの現実の輪郭は ひどく崩れているよ
thus our contour of realities are collapsing massively.
Let me shout.
With our mother tongue,
the feeling of us, for many.
For you who are given the Japanese name,
for you who are 1,344,900 people in total,
and for you who comes from overseas.