Concretely Unimaginable
Winter 2020
Jens Tiemann
Foresight Field
Lucie Jo Knilli
hey, let's communicate!
Tatiana Pakhmutova
Niklas Thran
How Much Longer?
hayate kobayashi
I miss you
Jung Hsu
Orlando Helfer Rabaça
Natalia Rivera
Quiet Cacophony
Philippe Hansen
Strange Dreams
Hibiki Ishijima
Sweet Bubble
Zoe Spehr
Tatiana Pakhmutova — Holy.
Concretely Unimaginable — Winter 2020
Marble, "Sterillium" Sanitizer
In times of crisis, people seek protection in government, religion, and technology. But as scientists and politicians struggle for a response to the coronavirus, more people are turning to faith. And as uncertainty and speculations took hold, our belief in masks, sanitizers, lockdowns, social distancing almost became a religion in and of itself.
An installation visualizes our daily rituals in times of the pandemic and the almost spiritual importance it takes in our lives. As an unexpected intervention in public spaces, it tries to recontextualize COVID-19 safety measures and religious symbolism. #WashAwayMySins