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Jens Tiemann — Foresight Field

Concretely Unimaginable — Winter 2020

Foresight Field. It is a place with history and an almost tangible future. Where a few decades ago planes left the runway into the air, the Tempelhofer Feld is now a place of space and tranquility, and very important: a place for the public.

The field has been available to people in its entirety and without permanent restrictions since the 2014 referendum. It will also serve in the future for leisure and recreation and will be protected in its function as an inner-city cold air generation area and as a habitat for plants and animals. Nevertheless, it remains a place of change, although from today's point of view a housing development still seems unimaginable for the citizens of Berlin.

In the course of an open call by the citizens' initiative 100% Tempelhofer Feld, proposals were submitted ranging from additional sports facilities to the construction of a gigantic mountain with underground tunnel systems.

I build an AR-device using materials I found at home during the winter-lockdown. In order to make probable, plausible or possible futures of the Tempelhofer Feld visible and conceivable, I took a walk with my device. Foresight Field is an attempt and strategy to look into the yet unimaginable future of a former airport in the South of Berlin.