Poetics of Repetition (Course)
Winter 2019

Hyungjoong Kim
A Printer

Vinzenz Aubry

Merani Schilcher

Özcan Ertek
Das Loop

Julius Winckler
Game of Lights

Florentin Aisslinger
Happy Machines

Tatiana Pakhmutova

Niklas Söder
The purpose of a system is what it does

Fang Tsai
Time Different

Frederic Brodbeck
Fang Tsai — Time Different
Poetics of Repetition (Course) — Winter 2019
Time difference is a clock device using light to show the time. Through the speeded-up hour and minute hands lifting the cover and revealing the light coming from the side, it tries to show the different texture of time.
Each time section on the clock is equally distributed. However, because of the different time zones we live in and the different schedules we have in our daily life, our time is divided into different states, like active and passive.