Rose is a rose is a rose is a rose (Short-term Project)
Summer 2016
Chen Hsiang Fu — The Revenge of the Rose
Rose is a rose is a rose is a rose (Short-term Project) — Summer 2016
Roses have been used as a gift of love, to show affection for somebody and carrying a variety of passion. On the other side, all the red roses are with thorns, symbolizing the road of love has not always run smoothly.
Due to the rapid development of communication software, various dating sites or apps growing in popularity. Instant love interprets a new digital relationship and the virtual emoticons in phones slowly replaced the value of physical roses. When people's distance is shortened in the advent of the digital era, is the meaning of love brought by roses still like it used to be?
The Revenge of the Rose proposes the concept of turning roses into blades and destroys the symbol of love: ❤️