Juan Pablo Gaviria Bedoya
Juan Pablo Gaviria Bedoya — Incisors
Carte Blanche — Summer 2022
As elements of reflection of a sensitive research, the amplification devices that I have developed during the last year have been a consequence of an interest in expanding, from the speculative exercise, the edges of the verbal act and its possibilities of reception.
This time, under the idea of contradiction, I have developed a device that allows listening to sound through bone vibration, detaching the act of listening from an auditive condition subject to the forms to which the body, normalized, has physically adjusted.
This performative action of reading and listening is presented through a medium-length video in which the image and the verbal act participate as means of reflection at the moment of thinking about the possibilities implied by the paradoxical encounter with the image as a listening resource in the search to find a way to describe the sounds stored in the memory.