Fang Tsai

Expanding Spaces — Summer 2020

Eye Simulation
Micro/Macro (Course) — Summer 2020

In Between
Island of things — Summer 2021

Nahweh: the Unreachable
Free Projects

Put Yourself in Someone's Shoes
Navigation, Orientation, Information — Summer 2019

Unstable Objects (Short-term Project) — Summer 2020

Time Different
Poetics of Repetition (Course) — Winter 2019

Carte Blanche — Summer 2022

Matters of thinking (Course) — Summer 2022
Fang Tsai — Embedded
Expanding Spaces — Summer 2020
Interactions with others in the real world are gradually being replaced by digital online communication, and places that used to be accessible are becoming inaccessible. Project Embedded get streaming videos from real-time public cameras on the Internet and select the pixels containing people from the captured street scenes overlaying them onto the current space, in this case, the gallery itself.
By making use of these real-time images, it transcends the limitations of time and space to bring others from afar into private spaces, blurting the line between public and private, expanding realities.