Compost & Cosmos
Summer 2023

Zoe Spehr
alles ist mega und vor allem du selbst

Levin Hu
Born from it, End from it

Byte Recall

Richard Ley
how to compost your-self

Henam Shin
Is your dream yours?

Moss Whispers

Philipp Gschwendtner

Stefanie Bálint-Gruber

Bill Hartenstein
Nostalgia on SoundCloud

Ying Chen
Painting with Snow #2

Zhefan Gu
The Recluse

Ying Chen
This is a tea party about potatoes, sugar and democracy
Zhixuan-Yang — Moss Whispers
Compost & Cosmos — Summer 2023
Through the process of measuring the resistance change in the moss and attempting various methods to elicit a response, I began to think about the true nature of our communication. I realized that the meaning lies not only in obtaining a tangible response but in the act of exploration itself.
Whether or not the moss displayed a discernible response, these experiments prompted reflections on perception and interpretation. Recognizing the subjective nature of the entire endeavor, I realized that this project was not about definitive answers but rather the active exploration and construction of relationships between myself, the moss, and the surrounding environment.