Carte Blanche
Summer 2022

Felix Müller

Erik Anton Reinhardt
Congratulations, 1000% Entrepreneurial Potential

Jung Hsu

Özcan Ertek
Future Visioning

Adel Akram Alameddine
Guide for Electromagnetic Listening

Lukas Esser
have to because I want to because I

Alexander Hahn
Homo Sympoiesis. Brain to Nature Interfaces in the Novacene

Juan Pablo Gaviria Bedoya

Maurice Wald
Neurons in the Machine // Human Intelligence Task

Natalia Rivera
Queer Forms of Life - Interconnected Nature

Maxim Tur
Retinal Device

André Santos Martins

Dawoon Park

Hibiki Ishijima

Fang Tsai
Lukas Esser — have to because I want to because I
Carte Blanche — Summer 2022
In the beginning of the 20th century the mechanism of the treadmill was reintroduced as a »training machine«. Before that it was used to power various machines including cranes and mills. The change from usage in production to producing ourselves is a transition from subject to object in our relation with the mechanism.
Through the transition from a disciplinary society to an achievement society the abuser and the victim coincide in the individual, it becomes an autoaggressive achievement-subject. (see Han, Müdigkeitsgesellschaft)
The sisyphus work of running on a treadmill is used as a metaphor for the actions of the achievement-subject. The physical impression of progress while being static – the paradox of moving without going through space, is symbolic for the urge of the achievement-subject to reach its self-set ideals. The bottomless structure of social media feeds are used to propagate these ideals in endless variations. Us scrolling through these feeds is displayed through the treadmill, relating our digital behaviour to physical exercise.