Narrative Material
Winter 2014

Jerome Gautier

Simon Weckert

Alisa Goikhman
Greenwich Globe

Martin Stelter

Gyujin Lee
Illusion Installation of Intersection

Erik Freydank
laterna obscura

Catharina Dörr
Mithras’ Message

Paul Kolling
Mithras’ Message

Seaum Shim

Stephan Sunder-Plassmann
Ort des Geschehens

Felix Worseck
Gyujin Lee — Illusion Installation of Intersection
Narrative Material — Winter 2014
The world we see is the three-dimensional space which consists of x,y and z-axis. However, eyes conceive an object as two-dimensional image data(x- and y-axis) before brain processes to add depth and perspective(z-axis). Which means, the object on three-dimensional grid is transposed into the fake plain image without perspective.
Inspired by the optical illusion, I designed the algorithm that transposes a two-dimensional image data into an three-dimensional object. By using this algorithm, I created the installation that is conceived as a plain image even though it is three-dimensional object.