Measuring Instruments
Winter 2013

Vanessa Ramos-Velasquez

David Friedrich
2020 Crowdsourced Future

Hye Joo Jun
Association Machine

Florian Born

Vanessa Gageos
chaos - filter - entropy

Nicenboim Iohanna
Data Domestication

Gosia Lehmann
Eating Memories

Juan Pablo García Sossa
Heavy Drinking

Ann-Katrin Krenz

Valerian Blos
Making of: Future

Lorenz Raab
saving narcissus

Michael Burk
therefore I am
Florian Born — Auto-Complain
Measuring Instruments — Winter 2013
Every cyclist hates potholes in the streets. But complaining about them via the official way can be extremely time-consuming and annoying. Bureaucracy often leads to a dead end and involves a lot of paperwork. Auto-Complain offers the possibility to automate the act of demanding road renovations by using a simple app. All you need to do is to attach your Phone onto your bike for tracking its motions. When hitting a bigger pothole, your phone registers the intensity and location of the bump. These data are directly sent and stored on an online platform called Upon arrival at your destination, your complain ride is completed and a PDF-file, which summarizes all of your complains, is sent to the department for road repair. Another feature (of the auto-complain system) is a spray device, which is mounted to your bike. As soon as you ride over a pothole, the spray device leaves a mark on the pothole to alert other cyclists.
The objective-c app is able to analyse the motion of the bike by an accelometer. The threshold value for a pothole can be adjusted with a slider to define the individual complain level. When a pothole is detected, the app sends the information to a server, which identifies the address throughout reverse geolocation and records everything into a database. Meanwhile, the app sends an audio signal to the spray device, which consists of an arduino pro mini, an own circut, a solenoid and a spray can.