Exhibition in the Cloud
Summer 2012
Katrin Wolf
Artist pointer
Felix Worseck
attracting countries – eine ortsgebundene Datensktulptur
Annie Goh
Melanie Bossert
Stephan Sunder-Plassmann
Daniel Dalfovo
Data’s Celebratory Takeoff
Philipp Toegel
Felix Worseck
Johannes Gierschner
John D. Clark
Andreas Picker
Signature Piece
John D. Clark
Signature Piece
Gaspar Battha
StampLamp – design with unique fingerprint
Daniel Dalfovo
Talking Trash
Gaspar Battha
The Spacetime Aviary
Melanie Bossert
The World’s Best Spin Top
Melanie Bossert — The World’s Best Spin Top
Exhibition in the Cloud — Summer 2012
The main idea of the project is to visualize statistical data not only through the shape of an object but also by its behavior. Using data from sources such as The World Bank, WHO, and CIA amongst others, each top is generated out of specific statistical data across several criteria like Political Environment, Health, Education, Economic Dynamism and Quality of Life. Correlating these statistics to an algorithm that generates the structure of each spinning top, the data creates a ranking system to categorize the best countries in the world, based on structural parameters for the physical stability of the same.
The goal of the top is to spin around itself as long as possible. After shape and volume, stability is the most essential factor affecting its movement. This principle is translated to an algorithm defining the shape of the spinning top and finally its behavior.
For example, the "Political Participation" of the population controls the size of the top of the spin wheel, hence making it easier or harder to set in motion. Another example is the "Health" factor, which controls the balance of the top, using the shape.