100 Pieces, 10 Variations
Summer 2011
Daniel Dalfovo — Charity City
100 Pieces, 10 Variations — Summer 2011
Charity City is a browser add-on with which the virtual investment in games is equivalently generating real donations. "Building a hospital in the simulator => Making real donations for "Doctors without Boarders!" The donations are paid via flattr which allows one-click micro-payments in a fast and easy way too many charitable organizations. Players can log-in with their flattr account, choose the organizations they donate to and just play along . "Playing for a good cause!"
"Art as a vehicle for social change is a familiar phenomenon, but what could better illustrate the extent of the digitalization of culture than a scenario in which a virtual investment leads to tangible, real life dividends?"
Read the whole article on Charity City and other UdK Projects on BERLIN ART LINK.