Martin Kim Luge
Martin Kim Luge — Me Myself and I
Computational Photography — Summer 2009
»Me myself and I« are self-portraits showing the vanity of a person. The difference to ordinary portraits is, that only fields of the face are shown, which the photographed person really likes - or not. The volunteers of a photo-casting were invited to attend to a self-portrait-gallery. They think that they fullfill an expectation of the galerist who would select only a few of all pictures for the exhibition. Each model know, that he or she has something special, a beautiful nose e.g. he or she wants to show in the gallery. Or the other way around the person has got a blemish he or she wants to hide. The perception of oneself is very different than by others. The model is more critical to himself, influenced by many feelings and characteristics, kind of narcissist or dissatisfaction. Are their eyes are good looking or is the hair styled? At the photo-casting everyone can take photos by himself as often he or she likes and decides which picture is the best one. But in that moment of controling the picture an eye-tracking camera detects, which fields of the photography the person is watching. Automatically sharp and unsharp fields are going to generate the new self-portrait, that shows, which field of the face is imortant for the person. Time and number affects the new self-portrait. To invest more time in watching himself means to create almost a complete self-portrait.