John D. Clark
John D. Clark — OMSORG IKEA Hacking
Exhibition in the Cloud — Summer 2012
IKEA Hacking
The term IKEA hacking refers the use of IKEA products in ways that were not intended by the manufactures. Most popularly used in interior design Ikea hacking can be a fun creative way to customize your static residence. The goal of this project is to take Ikea hacking out of the world of interior design and apply it in a new format.
The project will be a two part exhibition starting in the Parsons gallery of New York and ending in UDK gallery in Berlin. The first part will entail a medium size pedestal showing renderings, charts, 3D prints, models and detailed information about the project. The goal of this portion is to gain readers interest via Wired magazine and, using a customized paypal account, collect donations that will sponsor the project. The second portion of the project will analyze the donations and, using them as data, create a sculpture from the result. Basically the more you collect, the grander the sculpture. The resulting sculpture will be displayed in the UDK main gallery along with all the other projects created in advanced new media design.