// new media class

Erik Anton Reinhardt — The Stock o' Clock

Genius Loci — Winter 2022

"The Stock o' Clock" displays a new stock photo every minute, 24/7, which contains a clock that is synchronized with the current time. Shown stock photos often depict people as self-determined, always available as part of a 24/7 work culture.
Affirmatively, one would expect a clear distinction between 'other-determined working time' and 'self-determined free time'. However, working time is subject to a 'freedom fetish', which, as the name suggests, is oriented towards free time. The reason why the characteristics of free time are so attractive in relation to work lies in our paradoxical misperception of free time: even though free time just exists to restore workforce productivity, we still perceive it as a time of freedom. This misperception is exploited, transforming work into 'free work’. Consequently, free time becomes the misused label of freedom.

full documentation coming soon