// new media class

Zoe Spehr — garbage disposal

Input, Output, Community (Short-term Project) — Summer 2021

Spending two weeks collecting data and reusing the collective data the gathering chatroom has become a holding place of various kind of data, which maybe will just floating around when the project is done.

The approach to producing digital data is different than producing something in the non-digital – in a more easy-minded way. Especially regarding our ecological footprint for example waste separation or in general reducing the own production of waste.
Data trash is a term used for the growing amount of obsolete data in the age of information.

Using Orlandos data of trash production I aim to translate it quite literal into data trash.
I am tracking his data and transforming it into text files: 1 gram equals 1 file.
The produced trash data is then filtered and put into my desktop trashcan. Mimicking the original process.